Strengthening Relationships
ROC the Future Alliance welcomes and values relationships with community partners while centering
Parent/Family Partners and youth. Together, we co-create solutions to improve educational outcomes, including health and human services, for every child in Rochester.
Community Engagement
ROC the Future Alliance aligns with Parent/Family Partners, youth, and the community—as contributors,
co-creators, and decision-makers—to support children’s and family’s success through collaborative efforts.
Racial Equity
ROC the Future Alliance commits to dismantling racism and transforming systems that result in inequity by changing policies, practices, and power structures to ensure that Black and brown children in Rochester have educational equity, health, and well-being.
Continuous Improvement
ROC the Future Alliance makes Community-driven and data-informed decisions, continuously monitoring progress and making adjustments that change and improve systems so that every child in Rochester is positioned to achieve economic mobility.