By Rebecca Hetherington

My name is Rebecca Hetherington and I am the mom of 3 boys (2 in RCSD and 1 future), the Parent Representative on the RCSD School Board Finance Committee and the Secretary of PLAC as well as a small business owner (Instant Monogramming, Inc) in the city of Rochester.

Being a Parent Leader in the Rochester City School District can be a challenging and an often-lonely road to travel. During the process of re-writing the bylaws for PLAC with the team of Parents in RCSD from January of 2020 to March of 2021, followed by active recruitment last spring and summer, there were many moments where I desperately needed a group of parents that understood how important this work is and could relate to what happens in your head during this type of work. I am so happy that I found PECAN. Sasha Lewis introduced me to the group and encouraged me to join the first meeting. The General Membership meetings you hold fill my cup each and every time, without fail. Thank you for providing a space for parents to have their voices heard, appreciated and uplifted. I appreciate you all and the hard work you all put in to make this incredible space for us.