The High School Graduation Outcomes Team has been on an exciting journey of engagement and exploration to identify community and data driven strategies to positively impact attendance, the 9th grade experience, and high school graduation.  When we say, “high school graduation,” we mean college and career ready. Our latest endeavor was on Tuesday, April 9th, where 4 RTFA Parent/Family Partners, both High School Graduation Outcome Team Co-Chairs, and 4 Backbone staff came together for a 3-hour extended planning session to draft a 2024 HSGOT Roadmap. In addition, we were also able to fellowship and build community.

In this session, we enhanced our plan for how Empathy Interviews, Family Cafes, and intentional recruitment of parents and youth in the High School Graduation Outcome Team will help us identify the community and data driven strategies previously mentioned. We also began drafting a High School Graduation Outcome Team budget to support our work.

We will now follow-up with the schools where Empathy Interviews have already taken place, begin to schedule Family Cafes, and collaborate with the FACE team to recruit and onboard parents and youth to the High School Graduation Outcome Team, including a Parent/Family Partner and Youth Partner Co-chair. We also extend the invitation to anyone here, from the Convening body, to join us during this exciting time for the High School Graduation Outcome Team – as we move from planning to implementation. 

Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 28 from 6-8pm (in-person) at 205 St. Paul St.