Help us spread the message of building Parent/Family Partner power

Social Media Toolkit

Transformational change happens when parent/family partners, youth, and systems partners come together for student success.

We center parent and youth voices and believe in sharing power with parents and families. For that reason, we champion shared decision-making and co-development of solutions.

Please use the following tools to help guide your social media activity for your Build Parent/Family Partner participation, but please personalize and share your own stories, photos and experiences as much as possible.

TAG ROC the Future on your posts. This way, we’ll see and engage and potentially share.


  • @ROCtheFuture 
  • Simply put an @ symbol and begin writing the name to tag on social media. A drop-down menu will appear; select the verified RTFA account.

X formerly known as Twitter 


Use HASHTAGS in your captions. Hashtags help expose your posts to new people, as well as help ROC the Future, find your content.

  • #iGive4Parents
  • #EmpowerRocFamilies
Donate here


Socia Media Posts

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Suggested Post Copy 

  • As a proud [INSERT YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ALLIANCE] with ROC the Future Alliance, I co-create solutions to transform systems and improve education outcomes. Join us in the movement to change systems and improve results. Please consider a gift to the Alliance to support our efforts and help us build parent/family power so that we can achieve educational equity for every family in Rochester. Donate here:

#iGive4Parents #EmpowerRocFamilies

Suggested options to identify your relationship with the Alliance: parent, youth, backbone staff or systems partner. 

  • What does building parent/family partner power mean to you? For us at ROC the Future Alliance, it means:
  1. Recognizing and challenging power imbalances.
  2. Holding lived experience as expertise.
  3. Creating racial equity by partnering with those most impacted by decisions in decision making.

These 3 cornerstones show up in all our work, especially in our C.O.R.E learning series, as well as our Whole Child Initiative Parent Cafés.

Let us know what building parent/family partner means to you and how you are doing it! Donate here:

#iGive4Parents #EmpowerRocFamilies

  • At ROC the Future Alliance, we believe youth and families are the greatest experts on themselves. That’s why we are building parent/family partner power and collaborating across sectors to transform systems. Your contribution to the Alliance will ensure systemic barriers such as transportation and childcare are removed so that youth and parents can show up to have their voices heard. Donate here:

#iGive4Parents #EmpowerRocFamilies

  • Together, we work to get better educational results for Rochester’s more than 66,000 students and families. Your gift to the Alliance can help remove systemic barriers and make parent and youth participation possible.  Make a donation so that we can transform systems together. Donate here:

#iGive4Parents #EmpowerRocFamilies

Shorter sample copy for X formerly known as Twitter (now 1000 character limit):

Donate to ROC the Future Alliance to help us remove barriers to ensure parent and youth participation as we co-create solutions and improve education outcomes for all of Rochester’s youth. Donate here:

#iGive4Parents #EmpowerRocFamilies

Your contribution to ROC the Future Alliance supports the cost of transportation, childcare, food and stipends for parents & youth so that they can have their voices heard to improve education outcomes. Donate here:

#iGive4Parents #EmpowerRocFamilies